For those that might not know, Jim Ablett maintains an excellent web page containing a wide variety of computer chess engines. All of the chess programs are free downloads and hosted through his good nature and a cooperative web host. The thanks of computer chess online goes out to you Jim, you are a guru of the free chess engine!What also might not be commonly known is … [Read more...]
Rybka 3 vs Firebird 1.2 (Long Time Controls)
Rybka 3 vs Firebird 1.2 (Long Time Controls) Anyone who follows computer chess will know that Rybka 3 has been the top computer chess program for a long time now. Yet Rybka is not without faults in its playing style and move selection. In short, it remains beatable. What is less well known by the general chess playing public is that many months ago another program was … [Read more...]