Ever Wanted to Play Chess Against a Computer Online?
Here is a chance to play chess online against a basic chess computer. This computer chess program was written to run in flash, but it still gives a decent game. This is a free game, uses a 3d chess board and needs no download. Could it be the best free online chess program out there?
If you want a tougher game then try some of the other computer chess engine download links on this site. Almost any UCI chess engine from Jim Ablett’s page will give an incredibly strong game, or you could download the Crafty chess computer which is also available with its own graphical user interface.
If you are experiencing difficulty loading the game and playing chess online read this.
To play chess you must both install flash and then enable it your browser.
For example, in Chrome, after flash installation click on settings -> “advanced” and scroll down to “content settings” click this and then enable flash there.
You must complete BOTH downloading flash and enabling it in your browser for the chess game to work and be visible!
If after performing both actions the game still does not appear, then hard refresh your browser cache (control-F5 on Chrome).
FlashCHESS3 – Play Chess Online Against Computer
FlashChess can also be downloaded to play on the desktop of your computer.
It is available from http://www.flashchess3.com/download.html
If this easy chess game is too easy for you, or you just fancy a change, why not try our new online computer chess program?
Rrock says
Even though I did a threefold repetition with your program, it did not say it was a draw. Can you check that issue please?
Dave says
Will do.
Robert says
Hi, I have a question about chess engines and obvious draw positions;-
I noticed that Komodo version 8 will not recognise an obviously draw if set to do a deep analysis. of one.
For example
White king E1
white pawn E6
Black king E8
The engine starts off and spends time churning through analysis, even though the position is obviously a draw (unless black wants to loose !)
Can you tell me .. what’s going on ? Why doesn’t the engine quickly arrive at the obvious and stop, saying draw ?
Dave says
Probably better off asking the guys that code Komodo, but many chess engines do struggle with a number of aspects of chess, e.g. closed positions and endgames. I have no access to Komodo’s code as it is closed source, so I cannot say exactly what the algorithmic problem is. To be honest, even if I did have that access it would probably still be a mystery! The guys that code Komodo, Stockfish, Gull etc., are all really talented.
End game table bases (EGTB), e.g. Nalimov, Lomonosov, Syzygy etc., do improve the situation a great deal. If a chess GUI allows the engine access to EGTB’s it is very unlikely these analysis problems will remain, but the software needs to facilitate access to EGTB and the program needs coding to use them.
The alternative is to hard code accepted draws into the engine or UI. This is not elegant, but some coders do it (whistles innocently).
EGTB’s do throw up other anomalies though. Some games, previously thought to be draws, can now be shown to be winnable, but doing so would require more than fifty moves… I guess life ain’t perfect, even in computer chess.
Unknown says
I won’t lie… Beginner is just a normal mode… The Casual mode is like hard mode and Advanced mode is just BS obviously, though… Beginner should be HELPING those learn… Yet it doesn’t help at all it doesn’t give you a chance to win and worst of all the game just falls flat when you can’t win more than 20% of the time…
Bob Mountford says
I’ve not tried “beginner” yet..but am managing an increased number of wins against “casual”…from around 20% two months ago to 30+% now..so I am progressing! I’ve tried “advanced” about 3 times..and actually gave it a run for it’s money…predicting it’s moves many times..and although I lost each time…I felt my confidence grow…when I wasn’t slaughtered in seconds!
Play when you are alert..limit distractions such as people talking and music etc…focus on the game…put your worries away and take an extra look around the board before moving..and you’ll see your game improve! You need absolute focus..and to try not to lose..rather than win! You will get better..but you must play regularly..and be fully alert!..[I’m useless after a drink or big meal]
Dave says
Happy that you are enjoying the online chess game here. It is great that you are improving. 🙂
J says
It took me awhile to break Casual but once I did it seems like I can’t lose now. It’s like I unknowingly unlocked something in my brain, I probably just recognize patterns now that the computer does. I play around with casual now, like try different openings. It use to take me 40+ moves to win in Casual now I’m at the point of 20+ moves… I’ve played beginner mode a few times. You can manage to beat the computer on a “Fools Mate” in Beginner mode (not all the time) even win in 4 moves with white – just did it now, here are the moves:
1. e2-e4 Nb8-a6
2. Bf1-c4 Na6-b8
3. Qd1-h5 Ng8-f6
4. Bc4xf7
I’ve managed to win “Advanced” at least once maybe twice but at the expense of trading piece for piece.
Keep at it! One day it clicked for me… My friend told me he use to play another man almost daily for about 2 years straight and lost every time for 2 years! Finally, one day my friend beat him and the other man had trouble beating him.
Paul says
Don’t agree that it doesn;t give you a chance in previous comment. It does punish obvious mistakes but I managed to beat it in 25 seconds with a basic 5 move bishop and queen checkmate.
Anonymous says
Yes but I’m only a beginner (my chess tactic rating is 1050) yet I beat hard so if cant be that bad?
Eric B says
Hey, i’m diggin’ everything about this here site and all, but how do I play the Castling move? Thank you.
Dave says
Click the mouse over the king and all available moves will be shown. If castling is an available move, then move the kiing TWO squares in the direction you want to castle. The rook will move automatically.
Castling is fully explained here.
Prity says
How to do castle… I was trying to do castle but was not able to do
Dave says
Here is an explanation of castling.
Click the king in the game once and all available moves will shown to you. Move the king TWO squares in the direction you want to castle in.
Jerry says
Also, you cannot castle thru check, meaning if an opposing piece occupying the area the king must move through or on to cannot be completed or moved because the opponent has control of that space or area.
Germán says
Hey there! This site is pretty awesome but now that I started to play chess frecuently the advanced mode is kinda easy for me now i’d like to see other level just to continue with training, anyway thanks for this site cause I really like the reallistic 3D, greetings
Dave says
I will one day put up a new page here with an unbeatable chess engine…honest! 🙂
Seriously, the two chess programs here right now are designed to give beginners a chance to lean how to play chess. If you play chess against the computer on the other page, the standard is slightly higher.
ray says
flashCHESS had the opportunity to give a basic smothered mate, but missed it. Perhaps the program can be “trained” on how to smother.
Dave says
Depends on the level you play it at. These online chess games are designed to give beginners a chance. 🙂
Bob Kitchin says
Why can the black take sideways, but is not available to white, just one move can alter the whole game
Dave says
Hi Bob,
Please read the page about en passant.
How do I do the move where the rook and king switch positions?
Dave says
Hi Eddie,
The move is called castling and you can read about it here.
When playing here, click the king once. All available moves show up in green. If castling is available the king should be able to move TWO squares. Select the square you want the king to move to by clicking it. The rook will move automatically.
Aliz says
I used to think I was ok at chess but since playing on line I feel I am total rubbish now. I do like the site and the 3 d board but I could do with a good coach it seems.
Amigo3333 says
I am amateur in chess.. Would like to improv my stage in this wonderful game