Ever Wanted to Play Chess Against a Computer Online?
Here is a chance to play chess online against a basic chess computer. This computer chess program was written to run in flash, but it still gives a decent game. This is a free game, uses a 3d chess board and needs no download. Could it be the best free online chess program out there?
If you want a tougher game then try some of the other computer chess engine download links on this site. Almost any UCI chess engine from Jim Ablett’s page will give an incredibly strong game, or you could download the Crafty chess computer which is also available with its own graphical user interface.
If you are experiencing difficulty loading the game and playing chess online read this.
To play chess you must both install flash and then enable it your browser.
For example, in Chrome, after flash installation click on settings -> “advanced” and scroll down to “content settings” click this and then enable flash there.
You must complete BOTH downloading flash and enabling it in your browser for the chess game to work and be visible!
If after performing both actions the game still does not appear, then hard refresh your browser cache (control-F5 on Chrome).
FlashCHESS3 – Play Chess Online Against Computer
FlashChess can also be downloaded to play on the desktop of your computer.
It is available from http://www.flashchess3.com/download.html
If this easy chess game is too easy for you, or you just fancy a change, why not try our new online computer chess program?
steven murphy says
One the best games ive been set out for challenge….very smart mind computer
Jed says
it was challenging… 🙂
james says
he not all that good
Dave says
Under the moves list there is a button marked “Undo Move”, press it and the move is taken back.
kev says
Yeah so long as you’re not about to play a move. (ie squares lit up.)
Aaron says
click the piece you clicked on before to make it not highlighted then click undo
parvizbabadi says
please tell me how we can play back for one unwanted movement?
parvizbabadi says
can you tell me how can we play back for unwanted movement in chess.
you can answer me by m y email . thanks a lot
Whatever24 says
Under the moves list there’s an undo move button Ant nobody got time to send an email
Lycel says
What a mind challenging game! I always tried my very best to beat the computer but luckily I only won once for the first time after several attempts.
But if you try to undo the move, there is always a chance to win…that’s a very unfair to the computer..hehehe
big red says
Sorry for dumb question, how do you caste in this program, great game really enjoying it!
Al says
Click on your king and then click the space two squares to the right or left depending on which side you are castling on. The pertinent rook will move automatically.
J Frank MacLauren says
If I can beat the advanced level on my third game I am not sure how advanced it is.
Jannik says
Its not advanced its a fairly weak AI.
Dave says
The chess program is designed to be beginner friendly. I want to see more people playing and enjoying chess. Everyone has to start somewhere.
Modern computer chess software can beat any human chess grandmaster. I could host a chess engine that advanced on the site, but losing every game is little fun for anyone.
Jannik says
Thats a noble endeavour. But there are three levels to choose from. You might as well make the hårdest level tough. That way the beginners can play on beginners level, while more experienced players can play on the advanced level. As it is now, all three levels are beginners level. There is not that much difference. Its just some advice. Thx for creating the site btw.
Dave says
There is an upgrade in the pipeline, but work, social commitments and studying for a qualification keep getting in the way. It definitely will arrive, I just don’t know how long it will take. Right now, most people seem happy with the current games, so everything is good. 🙂
Dave says
I agree there needs to be more range in difficulty, but handicapping a strong engine often makes them play ridiculous moves like ignoring an attack on their queen and then failing to retake the piece that captured it. (This really happened to me on a chess site that shall remain nameless!) A weak chess engine is at least consistent and plays a little more like a weak beginner.
I am still debating adding a new game with a top flight chess engine though. The problem of course is that moves would need to be processed server side as not everyone has a computer that is up to running modern software – yes, really. My concern is that adding a more powerful engine only really helps those that are already skilled at chess and I am pretty sure they could easily find a stronger engine anyway.
I do appreciate your input, right now I am just really busy with work/college/personal commitments. Hence no updated chess software…yet.
noureddine says
i defeated it two times but it is really smart
Luigi Aranda says
I beat the advance 3 out 4 of for games, do you have a next level?