Ever Wanted to Play Chess Against a Computer Online?
Here is a chance to play chess online against a basic chess computer. This computer chess program was written to run in flash, but it still gives a decent game. This is a free game, uses a 3d chess board and needs no download. Could it be the best free online chess program out there?
If you want a tougher game then try some of the other computer chess engine download links on this site. Almost any UCI chess engine from Jim Ablett’s page will give an incredibly strong game, or you could download the Crafty chess computer which is also available with its own graphical user interface.
If you are experiencing difficulty loading the game and playing chess online read this.
To play chess you must both install flash and then enable it your browser.
For example, in Chrome, after flash installation click on settings -> “advanced” and scroll down to “content settings” click this and then enable flash there.
You must complete BOTH downloading flash and enabling it in your browser for the chess game to work and be visible!
If after performing both actions the game still does not appear, then hard refresh your browser cache (control-F5 on Chrome).
FlashCHESS3 – Play Chess Online Against Computer
FlashChess can also be downloaded to play on the desktop of your computer.
It is available from http://www.flashchess3.com/download.html
If this easy chess game is too easy for you, or you just fancy a change, why not try our new online computer chess program?
Levent says
There should be another difficulty level that name’s VETERAN.
When i play, advanced level is very easy to defeat from me and i guess people like me.
Thx for everything!
Netvel says
If you like to invest time and effort in memorizing the most frequent opening moves and check mate patterns, good for you.
But please don’t brag. You’ll make simpletons like myself jealous.
Malk says
Finally beat Beginner!! Took a good 15 minutes. Now it’s time for intermediate -_-
Henry says
Have not played in a few years and had no idea that I was that out of it.
I’ll try again later.
takunda says
Jonah says
The difference between casual and advanced is astronomical. Casual took me 2 minutes 46 seconds for checkmate, still working on advanced.
EyeWuvPi says
This game is so addictive… I won’t stop until I can beat my computer o-o
Shadow says
Hi I clicked on ‘beginner’ as I have no idea how to play. It goes straight in without any explanation. I do not have a clue what is happening or why.
Anonymous says
this software is just for chess against computer. just google how to play chess.
GranterStein says
i don’t know if this was a fluke or something but when i played as black a on advanced difficulty, i gave it a fool’s mate. heres the notation
:1. f2-f3 e7-e5
2. g2-g4 Qd8-h4
not even a beginner would be this dumb. it must of knew how 1337 i am and gave in to my genius.
Ian says
Beginner was easy enough. Casual is a constant bother. 4 Tries. Good for the brain and mind. I am sorry I’m not the wizard the others before me are. At least I have something to look forward to. Over 65.
jafta says
Just won my first match in 1.05 min