Ever Wanted to Play Chess Against a Computer Online?
Here is a chance to play chess online against a basic chess computer. This computer chess program was written to run in flash, but it still gives a decent game. This is a free game, uses a 3d chess board and needs no download. Could it be the best free online chess program out there?
If you want a tougher game then try some of the other computer chess engine download links on this site. Almost any UCI chess engine from Jim Ablett’s page will give an incredibly strong game, or you could download the Crafty chess computer which is also available with its own graphical user interface.
If you are experiencing difficulty loading the game and playing chess online read this.
To play chess you must both install flash and then enable it your browser.
For example, in Chrome, after flash installation click on settings -> “advanced” and scroll down to “content settings” click this and then enable flash there.
You must complete BOTH downloading flash and enabling it in your browser for the chess game to work and be visible!
If after performing both actions the game still does not appear, then hard refresh your browser cache (control-F5 on Chrome).
FlashCHESS3 – Play Chess Online Against Computer
FlashChess can also be downloaded to play on the desktop of your computer.
It is available from http://www.flashchess3.com/download.html
If this easy chess game is too easy for you, or you just fancy a change, why not try our new online computer chess program?
Lisa Teske says
This game is awesome but I would really like a better program I cant wait for your new program to come out!
Ray Ramirez says
Love your game…your server is up and down though, especially this last week.
Dave says
Hi Ray.
Thanks for your comment. The server has been taken offline a couple of times recently for updates and server software patches, a necessary evil unfortunately. These seldom take more than a few minutes though.
John Ryan says
I have not played chess for a very long time. How do I relearn the basics?
poonji sharma says
hello every one i like this game you should also play this game its very interesting game
a big kiss from me to you chess
Greg says
This website’s game is great, but one thing that really makes me mad, is the fact that multiple times now I’ve been on the verge of winning and the game automatically ends saying it’s a ‘Draw’ or ‘Stalemate’. This most recent time I had a Queen and two Pawns (plus my King), and the other side only had a King left. Another time (very similar) I had acquired Three Queens and the other side only had their King left. That’s not a Stalemate, that’s quitting before I win.
Dave says
Sounds likely that you are drawing because you are going 50 moves without a piece being taken or “three fold repetition” (same position three times).
Try to win quicker!! 😀
Rob says
I felt annoyed by that too, for about a year, and then I read up a bit about the situation and realised my mistake… I was making a move without putting the king in check but leaving it with nowhere to move without putting itself in a check position. This is the other way that a stalemate occurs (other than the fifty moves thing that someone else has referred to already).
Mike says
This game started off good, but now its acting stupid. I’ll make a move and computer thinking icon pops up but never makes a move. After refreshing page, I’m still having the same problem.. smh can anybody offer any suggestions? All ears.
Chris says
Hi guys,
Great game but I’m struggling to be able to move my king and castle to gain “king safety”… does anyone know how to do this? When there is a clear way between king and castle it won’t let me swap the pieces over?
Dave says
Click on the king first and move him. If you cannot move the king then either it is in check or the empty squares are under threat. You also cannot castle into check.
Jan says
UI is very nice, but engines are too weak. Even the advanced one plays quite badly, we would need another level. I played two games against it; in the first one I outplayed him nicely but in the second one I made some terrible mistakes and I was absolutely lost. I tried with some desperate attack on the king which could easily be defended, but he failed to play the move that every human would play. Instead, he played a bad check and lost the game.
But I must say that playing here is very enjoyable. Thanks!
Dave says
Hi Jan,
The flash chess games here are quite weak when compared to modern chess engines, yeah. But modern chess engines aren’t beatable by humans anymore… Playing chess against a computer that stomps you every single time is no fun. 😉
ibo bey says
Hello sweet admin, I defeat the pc at advanced program easily. What is my level in ur opinion? Can I defeat geri kasparov too?
wizzurn says
This new update, is tough. Advanced is impossible now, when once I could beat it half the time.
pacifico says
is it really an advanced degree… it is very much easy…?