Ever Wanted to Play Chess Against a Computer Online?
Here is a chance to play chess online against a basic chess computer. This computer chess program was written to run in flash, but it still gives a decent game. This is a free game, uses a 3d chess board and needs no download. Could it be the best free online chess program out there?
If you want a tougher game then try some of the other computer chess engine download links on this site. Almost any UCI chess engine from Jim Ablett’s page will give an incredibly strong game, or you could download the Crafty chess computer which is also available with its own graphical user interface.
If you are experiencing difficulty loading the game and playing chess online read this.
To play chess you must both install flash and then enable it your browser.
For example, in Chrome, after flash installation click on settings -> “advanced” and scroll down to “content settings” click this and then enable flash there.
You must complete BOTH downloading flash and enabling it in your browser for the chess game to work and be visible!
If after performing both actions the game still does not appear, then hard refresh your browser cache (control-F5 on Chrome).
FlashCHESS3 – Play Chess Online Against Computer
FlashChess can also be downloaded to play on the desktop of your computer.
It is available from http://www.flashchess3.com/download.html
If this easy chess game is too easy for you, or you just fancy a change, why not try our new online computer chess program?
Pigbull320 says
1. e2-e3 e7-e5
2. e3-e4 d7-d5
3. d2-d4 d5xe4
4. d4xe5 Qd8xd1
5. Ke1xd1 f7-f5
6. Bc1-d2 Nb8-c6
7. Nb1-c3 Nc6xe5
8. Bf1-e2 Bc8-e6
9. Ng1-h3 0-0-0
10. g2-g3 Ng8-f6
11. f2-f4 e4xf3
This is a bug with the game, black moved a illegal move.. your computer program is janky (i was playing on casual mode).
i moved a pawn to trap a knight and a pawn moved a illegal move and captured ‘a pawn’ aka nothing and it deleted my pawn above it….. recreate this game and see for your self.
Dave says
Hi Pigbull320,
The move (11. f2-f4 e4xf3) you describe as “illegal” is called “en passant” and is a legal move in chess. It was introduced after pawns were allowed to move two squares on their opening move. As soon as my exams are over I intend on adding a page explaining how chess pieces move and some of the less usual moves in chess i.e. en passant and castling.
I hope that you otherwise find the chess games here enjoyable.
Best wishes.
Ray Ramirez says
Actually, its after a pawn reaches the 4th row that this move becomes legal.
Dave says
Hi Ray.
Thanks for your comment, but the rule was introduced to stop pawns using the (then new – in the 15th century!) double square advance to avoid being taken. This occurs on the FIFTH RANK – following quote from WIKI for simplicity:
David Jackson says
The Game of all games
Dave says
Not yet, but I am looking into a replacement for these chess games that will be MUCH better. This new game will allow this (eventually). It will also be free, like these.
Gonza says
Rex says
Drew with the advanced computer first time round, quite proud. The endgame seemed a lot less strong than it’s opening. Without running the game through an engine I would say Black had a winning position:
1. e2-e4 c7-c6
2. d2-d4 f7-f5
3. Nb1-c3 f5xe4
4. Nc3xe4 Ng8-f6
5. Ne4xf6 e7xf6
6. f2-f4 d7-d5
7. Bf1-d3 Qd8-e7
8. Ng1-e2 c6-c5
9. c2-c3 c5-c4
10. Bd3-c2 Bc8-g4
11. Bc1-d2 Nb8-d7
12. Ke1-f2 0-0-0
13. b2-b4 Rd8-e8
14. Rh1-e1 g7-g5
15. Bc2-a4 g5xf4
16. Bd2xf4 Bg4xe2
17. Re1xe2 Qe7xe2
18. Qd1xe2 Re8xe2
19. Kf2xe2 Nd7-b6
20. Ba4-c2 Rh8-g8
21. g2-g3 Nb6-d7
22. Bc2xh7 Rg8-h8
23. Bh7-f5 Rh8xh2
24. Ke2-f3 b7-b5
25. a2-a4 a7-a6
26. g3-g4 Rh2-b2
27. Bf4-g3 Bf8-e7
28. a4xb5 Rb2-b3
29. Bg3-e1 Be7xb4
30. Kf3-e2 Bb4xc3
31. Be1xc3 Rb3xc3
32. Bf5xd7 Kc8xd7
33. b5xa6 Rc3-c2
34. Ke2-d1 Rc2-g2
35. Kd1-c1 Rg2-g1
36. Kc1-b2 c4-c3
37. Kb2-a2 Rg1xg4
38. Ka2-b3 c3-c2
39. a6-a7 c2-c1=Q
40. Ra1xc1 Rg4-g3
41. Kb3-c2 Rg3-a3
42. Rc1-f1 Ra3xa7
43. Rf1xf6 Ra7-c7
44. Kc2-d3 Rc7-c1
45. Rf6-a6 Rc1-d1
46. Kd3-c3 Rd1-h1
47. Kc3-b4 Rh1-b1
48. Kb4-c5 Rb1-b2
49. Kc5xd5 Rb2-b5
50. Kd5-c4 Rb5-b1
51. d4-d5 Rb1-c1
52. Kc4-d4 Rc1-d1
53. Kd4-c5 Rd1-c1
54. Kc5-d4 Rc1-d1
55. Kd4-c5 Rd1-c1
56. Kc5-d4
Dave says
New program is on the way that will be a lot stronger, but no ETA yet as I am in the middle of final assignments with an exam coming soon also.
Matthew Lawrence says
Very nice game. One thing I’ve found though is when only the two kings are left, I think the game is immediately a draw.
Xasile says
Just found this. Haven’t played in many years so started at beginner level and got killed so I went to advanced (what can it hurt right) and did much better. lol Maybe I had to think more. Never knew how much I missed playing. Thanks
Navarre says
The first time I played I checkmated the advanced computer as white in 68 moves
L.O.R.D A.T C.H.E.S.S says
this is far too easy
Wilson says
It doesn’t seem like all of the ways to have a draw are in the program. Specifically Threefold Repetition and the type described in the last sentence of the following paragraph from Wiki:
“For the most part, a draw occurs when it appears that neither side will win. Draws are codified by various rules of chess including stalemate (when the player to move has no legal move and is not in check), threefold repetition (when the same position occurs three times with the same player to move), and the fifty-move rule (when the last fifty successive moves made by both players contain no capture or pawn move). A draw also occurs when neither player has sufficient material to checkmate the opponent or when no sequence of legal moves can lead to checkmate.”