Ever Wanted to Play Chess Against a Computer Online?
Here is a chance to play chess online against a basic chess computer. This computer chess program was written to run in flash, but it still gives a decent game. This is a free game, uses a 3d chess board and needs no download. Could it be the best free online chess program out there?
If you want a tougher game then try some of the other computer chess engine download links on this site. Almost any UCI chess engine from Jim Ablett’s page will give an incredibly strong game, or you could download the Crafty chess computer which is also available with its own graphical user interface.
If you are experiencing difficulty loading the game and playing chess online read this.
To play chess you must both install flash and then enable it your browser.
For example, in Chrome, after flash installation click on settings -> “advanced” and scroll down to “content settings” click this and then enable flash there.
You must complete BOTH downloading flash and enabling it in your browser for the chess game to work and be visible!
If after performing both actions the game still does not appear, then hard refresh your browser cache (control-F5 on Chrome).
FlashCHESS3 – Play Chess Online Against Computer
FlashChess can also be downloaded to play on the desktop of your computer.
It is available from http://www.flashchess3.com/download.html
If this easy chess game is too easy for you, or you just fancy a change, why not try our new online computer chess program?
amit says
Veryyyy nice game. But requires a lot of battery.
Dave says
This chess game processes locally (the players end) as it is flash based. The battery use is unavoidable using this technology, sorry. I am looking into providing a much stronger chess game that will be processed on my server, but that may cost more than I can afford right now. We will see.
stephen says
why when playing advanced level free chess can you still be castleing after being in check ??
Dave says
You can castle after being in check providing you didn’t move the king. If you block the check with a piece, or capture the piece that is threatening your king you can still castle later on.
muzamil says
very good
Josue says
Woohooo!! My first check mate ever!!
jaylen says
this was awesome
bluehorn says
good software
mark says
advanced? this computer is a joke….. fitting for a 1400 player at best…
Dave says
Hi Mark,
I hear what you are saying, but please understand that not everyone is an advanced player. There is better version of this chess game at http://computerchessonline.net/play-chess-against-computer/, but it is still relatively weak if you are a strong player.
These chess games are aimed at casual players, hoping to have fun game in their spare time. In the future I will be adding a GM strength (elo 3k+) chess engine to this website. Right now I do not have an ETA for this, but do check back from time to time.
Dale Harris says
Learned “how chess was played” but never had the patience or fortitude to get any good at it. Am trying to pick it up again and your site is a very nice experience for someone at my level. My question…”What would be the best way to learn how and why the computer makes the moves it does. Even at the beginner level, after about three moves I always feel I’m on the run! Nice job anyhow…I’m sure my worst enemy is simply not being persistant in learning the subtlties of the game!
michael e keith says
i love this game
anjana says
I <3 it. awesome totally