Ever Wanted to Play Chess Against a Computer Online?
Here is a chance to play chess online against a basic chess computer. This computer chess program was written to run in flash, but it still gives a decent game. This is a free game, uses a 3d chess board and needs no download. Could it be the best free online chess program out there?
If you want a tougher game then try some of the other computer chess engine download links on this site. Almost any UCI chess engine from Jim Ablett’s page will give an incredibly strong game, or you could download the Crafty chess computer which is also available with its own graphical user interface.
If you are experiencing difficulty loading the game and playing chess online read this.
To play chess you must both install flash and then enable it your browser.
For example, in Chrome, after flash installation click on settings -> “advanced” and scroll down to “content settings” click this and then enable flash there.
You must complete BOTH downloading flash and enabling it in your browser for the chess game to work and be visible!
If after performing both actions the game still does not appear, then hard refresh your browser cache (control-F5 on Chrome).
FlashCHESS3 – Play Chess Online Against Computer
FlashChess can also be downloaded to play on the desktop of your computer.
It is available from http://www.flashchess3.com/download.html
If this easy chess game is too easy for you, or you just fancy a change, why not try our new online computer chess program?
Archana says
i love chess………………………………………..
pragati says
nice game
craigy says
it wont load- ive been using it for 3 years, and I got a little window asking if I want “hardware acceleration” and it froze and now the screen with the chess pieces on it wont come up
what did I do wrong?
Dave says
Reload the page.
Make sure you have latest version of flash installed.
good game
aditya says
i like this gameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee………………………..great
Ricky says
People who have played in any chess club for a while tend to play much better than those who just know what moves are legal. On the advanced level this program plays very much like someone who does belong to some chess club, but is just a beginner. What is particularly realistic is that the program makes outright blunders from time to time, as for example by leaving a rook unguarded in the middle of the board. That sort of thing happens frequently in club play, and new players benefit by practicing against a computer which does the same. Chess programs which require elaborate combinations to defeat may improve a player’s ability to analyze a position, but that is really not what happens in most games, even among good players.
Victor Lopinto says
The beginner level is too easy.
John says
I almost always draw on advanced setting without much thought. It always does something dumb and allows an attack, but it has resources to get draw by repetition.
Blake Kucera says
Nice game, and thank you for telling me about the chess program.
Dan says
This game has a glitch in it. Sometimes when you initially move a pawn 2 places level with an opposing pawn it only moves 1 place and is able to be taken by the opposing pawn.