Hello and Welcome to Computer Chess Online.
My name is Dave Felton and I am the webmaster of this website.
I decided to create this site as I really enjoy chess and computer chess in particular. Of course there are a number of chess sites on the web already, but few deal with computer chess in any depth or else they suppress chat about particular chess engines for political or business reasons. This atmosphere of suppression of discussion led me to open this site. At least here I can speak my mind and not end up moderated into silence for daring to disagree.
Some of the people reading this will know that I also have a personal blog about my writing activities.
So why didn’t I write about chess there?
Well, the short answer is that I did, but when my pages started to rank in the top ten hit hits for chess and chess clothing I realised that my science fiction writers blog had gone so far off topic as to be ridiculous.
This site will allow me to blog on a topic I love, stay on topic and hopefully say something useful to others.
Time will tell.